Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 8, Thing 19.1

I could not get through to the Alaska Digital Pipeline’s toll free number to get a password on my cell phone, probably because it is a Pennsylvania number. I will try again when I have access to another phone.

I explored what I could on the site and found that the Alaska Digital Pipeline is similar to POWER Library (Pennsylvania Online World of Electronic Resources). Almost all schools have access to POWER Library and anyone with a library card can use it from home. If you are interested in exploring it and comparing it to Alaska Digital Pipeline, visit this URL and use this #PL310903261 for access.

When I taught in Pennsylvania I did a quick promotion of POWER Library at a faculty meeting. I just spoke about it, showed how to access it, and provided a handout with an annotated list of resources available on it. I did not have the equipment available to teach a lesson on it to a class of students, I told the students about it and that it was better to use that Google and explained why. I would then show students how to access it as they were doing research. At Kincaid, I do have the resources (white board, computer, projector) to be able to demonstrate Alaska Digital Pipeline to faculty and students. The tutorials look like an excellent resource to use with the lesson. I believe this is a good resource to promote and I will get a password as soon as possible so I can find out more and be able to promote it.

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