Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 9, Thing 20

TeacherTube seemed very slow to even return search results when I was exploring and my connection was at an excellent level. There are too many ads but that is to be expected from a free site. There really did not seem to be many videos on subjects I was searching (research skills, Dewey, etc). One good thing about TeacherTube is that Anchorage School District does not block. It also uses tags which may be helpful for locating videos that may be useful.

I liked the Sock Monkeys Do the Dewey System video:

There was another video about the Dewey Decimal System that was a great idea for a lesson. Sixth grade students were assigned a Dewey class to write a song or poem about with a partner.

I think the copyright tips on TeahcerTube are a good thing to have on a school library web site. They would just need to be modified to fit the library's needs.

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